Thursday, March 16, 2017

Eye Update

Max's eye is slowly improving!

The gland is still there, but proper color is returning to it, so I find that a good sign.  Like it is gradually sucking it back down to where it belongs.  At least less inflamed, I imagine.

See the black bit?  That was not there before!

sometimes his lower eyelid is more "loose" like this.  Seems to be recently after an ozone application.

I've been thinking that maybe this whole eye thing could be a symptom of vaccinosis.  He's pretty skittish on and off, and while his improvement from December is impressive, and he's a Picard, and just turned 6 months, it sounds like it could still be part of the issue.  Just seems more pronounced than Jory's had been, and I'm not sure if that is personality, unfortunate late season birth impacting socializing opportunities, or... you know, a symptom.

People on the homeopathy facebook page are saying Lyssin and Vitamin C, bone broth, and/or milk thistle can help.  Or Thuja, and/or Silicea.  I'm most interested in the last two, since they were specifically tied with rabies issues.  And then he's already getting vitamin C and collagen 1-3.  I have yet to simmer the remaining chicken feet.  I'd like to buy some femurs or pork necks to go along with it.  His vet said "organic" is very important for that, so I'm not concentrating heavy metals.  Part of me thinks that's silly to worry about if I'm only doing it occasionally, but another part of me is like: the steroids with preservatives didn't fix his eye, either.

I have to wait for my next paycheck, if not my next next paycheck to go after that.  For now he's got a good regimen.

Oh yeah!  And Max got to go herding last weekend!  I inadvertently took/uploaded the video upside down, and only just fixed it.  First Turn.   Waiting for Second Turn.  So enjoy that!

And here are some other pictures from this morning's "photo session" of Max being adorable.

Something smells nice there.  Maybe egg residue.

He got himself out of it.
eh?  Oh.  Boring camera.


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